Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A few pics...

Here are a few pictures from the night Avalee was born...birth story coming soon!

Oops! I didn't even have a bag packed when my water broke! Running down the list of suggested items to bring!
5:30ish May 26, 2011

In labour--many thanks to my amazing sister-in-law/doula extraordinaire Emily!

Avalee Waulker, born May 26, 2011 at 6:16 p.m.

Immediately after birth...

Proud Daddy!

Like all girls, she wasn't too enthusiastic about getting on the scale...8 lbs 6 oz!

Like father, like daughter!
You tell me who you think she looks like?!

My Mom holding Avalee for the first time.

Being wrapped up all cozy warm.

Baby toes...need I say more?

Four days old and relaxing on the couch. 

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