Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Back To Work

Wow! It's been a long time since my last post! I must apologize to all four of my regular readers ;-) and even now, this mini-post is brought to you direct from my iPhone. Things have been a bit crazy around Casa de Tyson as we adjust to life with our little Squishy.

I went back to work on the tenth to serve as Program Director of Atlanta Ballet & GSU's Summer Intensive for the fourth year in a row. Thank goodness my Mom was able to come stay with us during these two weeks! She has been a ridiculous amount of help. And I couldn't have picked anyone better to leave Avalee with for the first time. (Last night and I didn't even cry!) We are adjusting pretty well to life with a Squishy, though it now takes me about an hour and a half instead of thirty-five minutes to get out of the house in the mornings. I'm also carrying a much larger bag (!) as I've combined the diaper bags and my purse into one. Avalee has been spending her days in GSU's Performing Arts Center and her evenings either at the dorm with 20 baby-crazy teenagers or at home with her Na-Na while we take said teens on some sort of outing.

Poor Avalee had a rough few days as Travis and I garnered anecdotal evidence for our Parent of the Year applications--within a 24 hour period, the poor dear had a shampoo bottle dropped on her head while in the bath (Travis) and was unceremoniously dumped from her carrier into a face-plant onto some very hard carpet (Me). She cried. I cried. It was all a bit pitiful.

Still to come: Avalee's 1 & 2 month updates (better late than never, right?). But for now, a few pictures...

Snapbucket,Atlanta Ballet Camp at GSU 2011
Napping during Atlanta Ballet Camp...the day before Mommy's 25th Birthday!

Napping (again!) in the balcony at the Performing Arts Center at GSU!

Snapbucket,The view from the PAC balcony
Our view from the balcony! (Stinking blurriness!)

Whitney (one of the camp counselors) had the magic touch when Avalee got fussy!

And the best part about camp...all the special time Avalee got to spend with her Na-Na (my mom)!