Spring has sprung at a certain big-box DIY retail store (it also sprung all over the state of GA somewhere around mid-December when we started having eighty-degree days again, but that's another rant!), which means long hours for Travis spent dealing with customers who don't know how to calculate square yardage, can't read labels or signs, and want something for free whether they deserve it or not. Additionally, the store has gone through several transitions (the death of an associate; the replacement of the store manager) over the last couple months, which has had Travis working 14-15 hour days, 6-7 days a week.
It doesn't help that Spring in the dance world is recital time. I've been busy busy busy with choreography for my own studio, as well as the one I freelance for on Mondays and Wednesdays, and my studio recently performed our first all-praise dancing benefit concert! The show incorporated praise music, ballet, a live band, and several vocalists--including a beautiful original arrangement of The Lord's Prayer by a certain musician who live in my house--and it was a huge success, raising over $800 for the local theatre in Vidalia.
Aside from work our days have been filled with running around after our cruising 9-month old. The child hauls herself around on two of the cutest, chubby litte legs with such efficiency that we often find ourselves looking at the spot Avalee was in approximately 23 seconds ago and saying, "Where's the baby?!"
To make up for my lack of blogging skills, here are some pictures of our daily life lately. Enjoy. And for goodness sakes, someone figure out how to get these pictures to look right on my blog!
I'm adorable, and always into something! For example... |
My parents are so impressed by my love of walking while using the laundry basket like a walker! But......this, normally turns into.... |
THIS...oh so subtly edging toward the stereo and entertainment center... which normally turns into... |
THIS. My new favorite game. Pulling out ALL of Daddy's play station games. And closing the cabinet door on my fingers at least five times a day. |
I'm regularly finding new hiding places. |
And dressing up. Here I am as Uncle Edmond. My fancy little Roper boots I got for Christmas for Grandpa T almost fit...only they wont zip over my fat calves. I wear them anyway. |
I believe in a neat and tidy eating experience. |
And I love my Daddy. |
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