Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Guestpost at Midnight Mommy!

I'm having a "15 minutes of fame" kind of moment here, guys!  I feel very honored to have been included on the Midnight Mommy blog as a guestposter this week!  That's a blog with over 500 registered followers that chose me to do a 3-part series of guestposts!  This makes me mildly famous, no?

Make sure to take a minute to browse around the blog--there are many great articles and posts to be read! And plan to check out my next two posts, which will published over the next two Mondays.

See! I am using my degrees! :-)

1 comment:

  1. We arr the ones that feel honored to have your expertise on babywearing featured on our blog. Thanks for contributing, you are quiet amazing yourself!


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