Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Moment When You Realize You Are A Bad Mother...

No, it wasn't when I dumped Avalee out of her infant seat onto the ground at eight weeks.

No, it wasn't when I let her fall off the couch at four and a half months.

No, it wasn't when I kinda yelled and scared for pants off when she bit me nursing for the first time and she refused to eat for eight hours even though she was obviously hungry.

No, it wasn't when I let her cry for a bit while teaching a dance class because I didn't have a babysitter that day.

And no, it wasn't when I told her she couldn't chew on the table, made her cry, and ran to take a picture of her pitiful mad face before consoling her.

These are all pretty normal things to have happen to a first-time mother (or any first-time parent for that matter), but some things, well, some things that you take care of for yourself on a daily basis should not be forgotten.

So, the moment when you realize you may not be as "good" of a mother as you think you are?

When you realized last Saturday that your baby hasn't had a bath in the two weeks since you arrive home from Thanksgiving vacation.

During flu season.

When she has daily contact with about two hundred other adorable, snotty-nosed kids.

Yep. That's when.


  1. I must say this did make me feel a tad bit better about my mistakes in parenting so far. As far as I can tell, our unintentional neglect is quite common. :)


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